Monday 7/2
CrossFit: Thruster 5-5-3-3-3-1-1-1-1 *treat this as an E2min x 18min Longevity: DB/KB Goblet Squat 5-5-3-3-3-1-1-1-1 QuickFit: 3 rounds: (18min total) 3 min max cals assault bike 2 min max situp 1 min max DB strict press
CrossFit: Thruster 5-5-3-3-3-1-1-1-1 *treat this as an E2min x 18min Longevity: DB/KB Goblet Squat 5-5-3-3-3-1-1-1-1 QuickFit: 3 rounds: (18min total) 3 min max cals assault bike 2 min max situp 1 min max DB strict press
Saturday June 30th: 8-10am: open gym/ performance intro and testing 10-11am: Endurance Week 4 11am-12:30pm: Fun & Fitness game day! ALL members welcome for a fun filled midday! 1pm: gym closed-cleaning. Sunday July 1st: Rest day! Get out and enjoy the great outdoors!
Saturday 6/30 & Sunday 7/1 Read More »
CrossFit: aerobic capacity Skill: Medicine Ball Clean WOD: 3 rounds for time of: 50 medicine ball cleans Run 800 meters Longevity: Skill: Medicine Ball Cleans WOD: 3 rounds for time of: Medicine Ball Cleans Run Quickfit: 400m. jog, 10 wallballs 300m. Run/100m. walk, 30 wallballs 200m. sprint/200m. walk, 40 wallballs 100m. all out/300m. walk, 40
CrossFit: gymnastics/skill/asymmetry Skill: strict pull-up/ kipping pull-up skill development 1. scap pulls x5 2. strict pull-ups x 5- increasing height of pull on each rep 3. beat swing- hollow/ arch x 10 4. kip + chin over bar hold + push away x5 5. linking reps x 3-5 WOD: alternating tabata 20x10x8 (8 min) odd:
CrossFit: CF- benchmark Skill: power snatch 1. burgener warmup 2. skill transfer exercises 3. 3 positions- full movement WOD: Isabel 30 snatches for time Longevity: Skill: Same progression of snatch, but performed with Dumbbells WOD: DB Isabel 30, alternating arm, 15 each side, DB snatch Quickfit: 3 rounds: Run Russian Kettlebell Swings
CrossFit: Team Workout AMRAP 15min: Teams of 3, performed relay style: 50′ Sled Push (25 down, 25 back) each 1 rope climb (each) 10 box jumps (each) Quickfit: 10 min death by assault bike directly into tabata sit-up *intention is that each set of cals on assault bike are completed as fast as possible Min
CrossFit: strength Treat this as an E2min x 14min. Push Press 3-3-3-3-3-3-3 reps Longevity: 1/3 CF total: 3. Deadlift Quickfit: 21-15-9 cals: rower assault bike
CrossFit: strength CF Total: 1 RM of following: 1. Back Squat 2. Strict Shoulder Press 3. Deadlift Longevity: 2/3 CF Total: 2. Strict Shoulder Press 3. Deadlift Quickfit: Every 90 seconds, for 15 minutes (5 sets of each): Station 1- 12 Alternating Reverse Lunges with Kettlebell Farmer’s Carry Station 2- 18/12 Calories of Assault Bike
CrossFit: aerobic capacity Every 2 min for 30 minutes (5 sets): 1.Run 2. Row 3. Bike Quickfit: AMRAP 12 min: 20 russian kettlebell swings 15 situps 10 pushups
CrossFit: gymnastics/skills/asymmetry Skill: Rope Climb/ HShold/ V-ups skill Alternating EMOM x 18min (6 sets) 1. Rope Climb 2. Handstand Hold 3. V-up Longevity: Alternating EMOM x 18 min (6 sets) 1. Rope Lowers 2. Prone Plank Hold 3. Hollow Hold/ Tuck Hold Quickfit: 3 rounds for time: 5 Dumbbell Box Step-Overs 10 Ring Rows 15