Monday 3/5
CrossFit: Test Day #1 A. Clean and Jerk Skill B. Grace *8 min cap Longevity: 1 min row x 1 min rest x 20 min total QuickFit: 10 min EMOM Min1: 10 DB hammer curl + press Min2: 30s of hollow body flutter kicks
CrossFit: Test Day #1 A. Clean and Jerk Skill B. Grace *8 min cap Longevity: 1 min row x 1 min rest x 20 min total QuickFit: 10 min EMOM Min1: 10 DB hammer curl + press Min2: 30s of hollow body flutter kicks
Saturday: 8-11am: open gym/ performance training/ CF open makeup 10-11am: Weightlifting 11am: gym closed/cleaning Sunday: Rest Day
Saturday 3/3 Sunday 3/4 Read More »
CrossFit: 2 person teams: Complete as many rounds and reps as possible in 12 min of: 12 DB hang power clean 12 alternating reverse lunges with dumbbells 12 burpees Longevity: Min 0-4: 25 situps 50 single unders/plate hops 7 medball cleans Min 4-8: 20 situps 40 single unders/plate hops 7 medball cleans Min 8-12: 15
CrossFit: 16.2 Beginning on a 4 min clock, complete as many reps as possible of: 25 toes-to-bar 50 double-unders 15 squat cleans If completed before 4 min, add 4 min to the clock and proceed to: 25 toes-to-bar 50 double-unders 13 squat cleans Etc… QuickFit: 5 rounds: 10 medball deadlifts 8 medball squats 6
CrossFit: 15.3 Complete as many rounds and reps as possible in 14 min of: 7 ring muscle-ups 50 wall-ball shots 100 double-unders Longevity: AMRAP 14 min: 7 ring rows 21 air squats 42 SU jump rope QuickFit: 4 rounds: 10 cals arms and legs 10 cals arms only 10 cals legs only
CrossFit: A. Power Clean Skill Work B. E1:30 x 12 min 1 power clean from floor + 1 power clean from above knee QuickFit: L3: Row 5k L2: Row 4k L1: Row 3k
CrossFit: 15.5′ V2.0 27-21-15-9 reps for time of: Row (calories) DB Thrusters Longevity: Row max cals 4 min DB thrusters 4 min Row cals 3 min DB thrusters 3 min Row cals 2 min DB thrusters 2 min Row cals 1 min DB thrusters 1 min QuickFit: 2 sets for max reps, each against a
Saturday: 8-10am: Open Gym/ Open makeup 10-11am:Weightlifting 11am: Gym closed. Sunday: Rest Day!
Saturday 2/24 and Sunday 2/25 Read More »
**Morning Classes ONLY CrossFit: Teams AMRAP 15 min: Run 200m 2 person teams P1 runs 200m, P2 rests P2 runs 200m, P1 rests Longevity: Every 2 minutes, for 18 minutes: Station 1: DB death march x 20 reps Station 2: Tempo push-ups x 10-15 reps Station 3: ring rows x 8-12 reps QuickFit: AMRAP 15
CrossFit: A. Handstand/handstand pushup skill work B. Tabata handstand pushups 20x10x8 QuickFit: Every minute, on the minute, for 15 min: Min 1: 9 strict L-Seated DB presses on floor Min 2: 10-15 burpees Min 3: V-ups/situps/plank on knees or toes