Friday 12/22
CrossFit: 30-20-10 reps for time of: Toes-to-bars Wall-ball shots QuickFit: Three sets for max reps/cals of: 60 seconds situps 60 seconds of DB ground to overhead 60 seconds of row for calories Rest 60 seconds between sets
CrossFit: 30-20-10 reps for time of: Toes-to-bars Wall-ball shots QuickFit: Three sets for max reps/cals of: 60 seconds situps 60 seconds of DB ground to overhead 60 seconds of row for calories Rest 60 seconds between sets
CrossFit: A. Hang power clean skill/warmup B. Hang power clean 3-3-3-3-3-3-3 reps QuickFit: 5 rounds: In 60 seconds, complete XX burpees and then as many reps as possible of unbroken pushups Rest 60 seconds between sets
CrossFit: 7, 2 min rounds of: cal. row jerks, max reps QuickFit: 3 rounds for time of: 20 alternating single-arm DB snatches 20 alternating reverse lunges with goblet hold DB 20 V-ups
CrossFit: 21-15-9 reps for time of: dumbbell squat clean thrusters pull-ups QuickFit: AMRAP 6 min of: 10 burpees 10 box step-ups
CrossFit: Back Squat 10-5-3-1-1-1-1 QuickFit: 90 sec of rowing 30 sec of rest 90 sec of russian KB swings 30 sec of rest 90 sec of assualt bike 30 sec of rest 90 sec of plank hold
Did you know we’re on Snapchat?! See what we’re up to when you’re not at the gym. We’re probably working hard…and getting into a little shenanigans. Find “hoosiercrossfit” on snapchat CrossFit: In teams of two: As parter one completes set number of calories on the bike, partner two completes max reps of the movement that
CrossFit: 3 sets of: Dumbbell shoulder press x 6-8 reps Rest 45 seconds V-ups/tuck ups x 30-45 seconds Rest 45 seconds Jump rope technique SU/DU forward and back x 45-60 seconds Rest 45 seconds B. “Lucky Stevens” Complete as many rounds and reps as possible in 7 min of: 7 box jumps 7 burpees 7
CrossFit: A. Three sets of: Back squat x 8-10 reps @ 45-65% Rest 60 seconds Nose-to-wall/Box handstand hold x 45-60 seconds Rest 60 seconds Side plank x 30 seconds each side Rest 60 seconds B. In teams of three, row as many meters as possible in 12 minutes QuickFit: 3 rounds for time: Ring Rows
CrossFit: A. 15 min Three sets of: Strict pull ups x 6-8 reps Rest 60 seconds Box Step-ups x 10 reps each leg Rest 60 seconds Double-under practice x 60 seconds Rest 60 seconds B. Rounds of 15, 10 and 5 reps for time of: Dumbbell Clean and jerk Sit-ups QuickFit: In teams of three,
CrossFit: A. Row Technique B. For time: Goal 10 min Row 1000 meters 20 Burpees over the concept 40 Thrusters QuickFit: Round of 15,10 and 5 reps for time of: Dumbbell Clean and Jerk Abmat Sit-ups