Friday 12/1
ALL CLASSES: Alternating Tabata 20x10x8 Air squats Pushups
Saturday 10/28 8am-10am: Open Gym 10am-11am: Starting Strength 11am-12pm: FREE members team workout…Halloween Edition!! Sunday 10/29 Rest Day!
Saturday 10/28 and Sunday 10/29 Read More »
Hoosier CrossFit 50 Box Jumps 50 Kettlebell Swing 50 Toes To Bar 50 Wall Ball 50 Burpee QuickFit 4 Rounds Row 1 minute Rest 1 minute Burpee 1 minute Rest 1 minute
A. Snatch skill work: Burgener warmup: dip shrug, scarecrow, muscle snatch snatch pushpress, overhead squat pressing snatch balance, heaving snatch balance, snatch balance
WOD: A. EOMOTM: Back Squat 10-8-6-4-2 reps. % based off 3rm from last training cycle: 10@40-50%, 8@50-60%, 6@60-70%, 4@70-80%, 2@80-90%. B. Complete as many rounds and reps as possible in 6 minutes of: 3 Dumbbell Ground to Overhead (KB or DB-Alt arms.) 3 Burpees 6 Dumbbell Ground to Overhead 6 Burpees 9 Dumbbell Ground to
WOD: A. Shoulder press 5×5. *start around 61-65% of 1rm and build 5% per set of 5 to 81-85%+ by your last set. B. EMOTM x 10 min: Odd: 100m. Run Even: 30 sec. max Russian swings (heavy), 30 sec. rest
We are closed today! Merry Christmas! Have a great day with family & friends! We will be back at it tomorrow with a 5:15pm and 6:16pm WOD!
Saturday Schedule: 10a: Olympic Lifting- snatch 10a: Paleo Challenge Meeting 11a: Team WOD Noon: Goal setting seminar