Skill: Dips P1-4.
WOD: P1. Shoulder Press 5-4-3-2-1 reps. Increasing between 60-100%+
Post all working weights.
P2. Tabata Dips
Saturday’s Schedule! HCF needs your support!
- B-Town Barbell (418 S. College Ave in Bloomington) is hosting a strength competition beginning at 9am! Cheer on Katie, Jacqueline, Heather, Celina, Nate, Nick, and Dan! In their weight division, they will Deadlift, Front Squat, and Jerk their heaviest load within 3 attempts each.
- CrossFit Carmel is hosting an all-ladies competition. We’re heading up around noon to cheer on Kathy! She’ll be doing 3 workouts, 2 in the morning and 1 after noon.