Skill: Dips P1-4.
WOD: P1. Shoulder Press 5-4-3-2-1 reps. Increasing between 60-100%+
Post all working weights.
P2. Tabata Dips

Welcome our new On Ramp Graduating Class. If you see them in your CrossFit classes, introduce yourself!! Our Next On Ramp beings this Monday 4/29 at 6:45pm!
Saturday’s Schedule! HCF needs your support!
- B-Town Barbell (418 S. College Ave in Bloomington) is hosting a strength competition beginning at 9am! Cheer on Katie, Jacqueline, Heather, Celina, Nate, Nick, and Dan! In their weight division, they will Deadlift, Front Squat, and Jerk their heaviest load within 3 attempts each.
- CrossFit Carmel is hosting an all-ladies competition. We’re heading up around noon to cheer on Kathy! She’ll be doing 3 workouts, 2 in the morning and 1 after noon.