A. Shoulder Press:
45% x 10
55% x 10
65% x 10+
B. ‘Karen’
150 Wallballs for time: 10 min cap for max reps.
W: 14# 9′, M: 20# 10′
Goal is to use a weight/height that you can accomplish ALL 150 reps in under 10 min: 15 reps per min.
A. Shoulder Press:
45% x 10
55% x 10
65% x 10+
B. ‘Karen’
150 Wallballs for time: 10 min cap for max reps.
W: 14# 9′, M: 20# 10′
Goal is to use a weight/height that you can accomplish ALL 150 reps in under 10 min: 15 reps per min.