This weekends EVENTS!
2/18 Saturday
Saturday night Bowling night!
6pm, IMU: Back alley
Visit us for an evening of HCF bowling madness!
2/19 Sunday
Sunday Funday- Hero WOD
3:30pm, Hoosier CrossFit
Join us for our series of Hero WODs to be performed on select Sundays each month!
“If you care enough for a result, you will most certainly attain it.”
– William James
WOD: Part 1. Back Squat. 3@70%. 3@80%. 3+@90%.
Part 2. Alternating Tabata. 20:10×16
Double-unders (compare)
Pushups (compare)
(perform 20 sec. double-unders, 10 sec. rest, 20 sec. pushup, 10 sec. rest, repeat 8 total cycles)