Throughout 2015 we will have programming cycles that will consist of 6 full weeks of programming emphasis with testing/re-testing followed by 1 de load week, with main testing always being on Mondays and re-testing always being the Monday of the de-load week directly after the 6 full weeks ends. The First quarter (2, 6 week cycles) will look like such:
Session 1 (Emphasis- Open Prep):
Monday Jan. 5– Friday Feb. 13, retesting on Monday Feb. 16. De-load Tues. Feb. 17- Fri. Feb.20.
Session 2 (Emphasis- Strength/olympic skill development)
Mon. Feb. 23– Friday April 3, retesting on Monday April 6. De-load Tues. April 7- Fri. April 10.
This first cycle of 2015 will be geared towards CF open prep, which will consist of traditional CF (GPP) increasing work capacity to prep for open volume/workouts with a higher rep/lower % strength cycle built in.
Below is the Strength work for the main lifts you will see throughout the 6 weeks:
Note these percentages are of your true 1rm. Only the top set of each is done as a + set, all others are just done for the written reps. I advocate leaving 1-2 reps in the tank and never missing reps.
Week 1: 45/55/65%x10+
Week 2: 50/60/70%x8+
Week 3: 55%x10, 65%x8, 75%x5+
Week 4: 50/60/70%x8+
Week 5: 55/65/75%x5+
Week 6: 60%x8, 70%x5, 80%x3+
A. Back Squat:
45% x 10
55% x 10
65% x 10+
B. CF Open 13.2
Complete as many rounds and reps as possible in 10 minutes of:
5 reps Shoulder to overhead (115, 75)
10 Deadlift (115, 75)
15 Box jumps (24″, 20′)
Masters 55+
Complete as many rounds and reps as possible in 10 minutes of:
5 reps Shoulder to overhead (95, 55)
10 Deadlift (95, 55)
15 Box jumps (20″, 20″)