“Now it’s all a matter of hanging on for three more weeks. The women said their goals are to complete the Open, and show the world pregnancy and fitness aren’t mutually exclusive. “It’s been really cool to share this experience with other first-time moms,” Berns said. “CrossFit really is for everybody,” Thompson added. “If we can do it while (carrying) a baby, then anyone can give it a shot.””
Not Taking 9 Months Off
Check out the article about your HCF pregnant ladies!
A. Front Squat (pause for 3 seconds): 5 rounds x 3 reps
begin around 50-60% of 1 rm and increasing by feel each round.
(goal is to hit 5# heavier than 2 weeks ago for each working set)
(rest 2-3 min between each work set)
see previous results here
B. Handstand walk progressions: 1 , 2