REMINDER: We have new On-ramp classes beginning this week!
TODAY! 11am- Mon, Wed, Fri @ 11am. 4 weeks, 12 total classes.
Tuesday: 6:15pm- Tues, Thurs @615pm, Sat @ 10am. 4 weeks, 12 total classes.
Contact: 812-340-0360. to see how you can get started!
Mobility: Improve Your Proximal Hip Mobility and Nerve Tunnels
WOD: 3 Rounds:
AMRAP 5 min. 5 pullup, 10 pushup, 15 squat
AMRAP 1 min. 60% of 1 rm Deadlift.
1 min rest.
(continuously running clock- move straight from pullup,pushup,squat to 1min of deadlifts, then rest 1 min, repeat 3 rounds.)