People don’t change because you want them to change. They change because they are ready to change.
So, work on the only person you can change: yourself. Live the best life you can. And, if someone asks for your help, give it with all your heart, because now maybe they are ready..
Ready or Not- CrossFit Lisbeth
REMINDER: NEW On-Ramp Begins today! 6:15pm! Tues/Thurs @615p. Sat @10a.
Mobility: Go Open Your Hips
WOD: Part 1: Front Squat 5×3
increasing weight each rnd. to a 3rm load.
(compare to 5.4)
Part 2: TT: 1 mile run
sub 2000m. row if needed.
(compare to 4.26)
415 Specialty
Warm-up series – 2 snatch long pull + 2 snatch push press + 2 overhead squats – 2 sets
Power snatch + overhead squat + snatch (2 sec pause in bottom of each) – 3 sets
Push press + jerk behind neck + jerk (5 sec hold in split position) – 3 sets
Run or Row:
1600m./ 2000m.
Rest as long as it takes you to run/row each piece.