
Special thanks to everyone for participating in ‘Saving Grace‘ and being here for our 2 year anniversary! We wouldn’t be here without the support of our families, members and friends! (make sure to check out the Event Photos Here!)
-Shaun & Jenna

Skill: Kipping pullup. Parts 1-3.

WOD. P1.Max Effort Shoulder Press.
(15min.) warm up in sets of 3 until 3 repetitions get heavy (3-5 sets, incrementing weight between 40-80%) and switch to a single rep working up to 4 single repetitions of between 90-100% of your max. Go for a new 1rm if positioning is good and weight feels good. (If you reach a new max before all 4 single lifts are complete, stop there- goal is to just break your old 1 rm if lifts are feeling good)
P2. Alternating Tabata: 20 seconds on 10 seconds off x 16. ab-mat Situp, KB swing (35,53#)


