
Dr. Steven M. Platek presents a scientific argument in support of the idea that naturally designed movements produce naturally attractive physiques.
Moved to Mate? -By Dr. Steven M. Platek

Mobility: Do IT! Get the legs!

WOD: 4 person teams
30 Wallballs (20lbs/14lbs)
Row 300m
30 Box jumps (24″)
30 KB swings (24kg/16kg)
30 DB Push press / Push jerk (40lbs/25lb)
30 Deadlifts (225lbs/135lbs)

1. The wallballs are performed one athlete at a time, starting with the women. When all four athletes have completed the wallballs, they move on together as a team.
2. The middle four drills are then performed together in “Annie R U OK?” format, meaning all four team members start at different stations at the same time. They rotate in the order listed once all four athletes have completed the rowing and reps. When all four athletes have completed all four drills, they move together to the deadlifts.
3. The deadlifts are performed one athlete at a time, 30 reps each, and the clock stops.
4. Fastest time wins!

Great job to Bill A., Nancy R., Dani R. & Dillon C. for taking the team win today!

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