“Thousands of candles can be lit from a single candle, and the life of the candle will not be shortened. Happiness never decreases by being shared.”
-Gautama Siddharta
Team WOD: Birthday Surprise
23 Burpees (onto bumper plate)
23 Pushpress (65,95#)
23 Knees-Elbows
23 dips
23 KB swing (35,53#)
23 Double-under (3x singles)
23 wallball (14,20# -10ft target)
23 Sumo-deadlift highpull (65,95#)
23 yd. buddy carry
23 yd. Overhead Walking lunge (25,45#)
(3-4 people per team, 2 people moving at a time, 23 reps each movement, each person, for time)
Happy Birthday to all our members birthdays recently! Heather, Jenny, Jen P., Audra