Todays Events:
- 1/7 Saturday
FREE group intro & workout
Hoosier CrossFit. 12:30p-1:30p - 1/7 Saturday
Lukes AirForce going away party
Moose Lodge Basement (Cory Ln.) 7p-11p.
10a Olympic Lifting:
Oly-Lifting progressions (Snatch)
1. Burg Warmup: down-up, scarecrow, muscle snatch
2. Snatch lands: 2”, 6” , full squat.
3. Snatch skill transfer: Snatch pushpress, OHS, pressing SN balance, Heaving SN balance, SN balance
4. High hang snatch
5. positions: floor, below knee, mid thigh, finish
If newer to the oly-lifts: continue working progressions and add light weight to parts 4 & 5.
If you already have a 1rm snatch and are proficient in movement patterns:
- 2 snatch long pull + 2 snatch push press + 2 overhead squats – 4 sets (lt. wt.)
- Power snatch + OHS + snatch (2 sec pause in bottom) – 5 sets (increasing wt.)
11a Team WOD:
Teams of 2, complete for time & max reps.
100m. Run/Max airsquats
200m. Run/Max airsquats
400m. Run/Max airsquats
400m. Run/Max airsquats
200m. Run/Max airsquats
100m. Run/Max airsquats
Each team partner runs distance listed while carrying medball, other team partner is completing max airsquats, tag team partner and rotate stations.