Paleo meeting/News
To recap our meeting from Saturday, we discussed the topics from the blog last week including how to read the labels when you buy eggs, new and yummy recipes that can help you have guilt-free dessert, plus paleo in the news! If you haven’t already, browse through the past weeks blog posts!
10 am: Olympic Lifting.
1. Clean & Jerk progressions.
2. After warming up to 60%, increase 5% to a solid heavy single for the day.
11 am: Team WOD.
3 person teams. Carry 1 KB (35,53#) & 1 Medball (14,20#) to 3 separate base stations:
Base station 1: Farmers market limestone blocks
Base station 2: 200m. south on B-line, limestone blocks.
Base station 3: Back to farmers market limestone blocks.
At each base station each member of the team will complete 25 KB swing, 25 medball clean, 25 burpee and then move onto next base station. Time ends once you re-enter gym.