“There are many things that motivate us. Are you trying to find a reason to workout in the morning? Goal setting is usually the best way to do it. Having a goal you want to reach is an example of an achievement-based reason to be motivated. For those who are finding it difficult to find a reason to start fitness, go sign up for an event. Someone newer to CrossFit can easily sign up for a novice event. Those who want to get into adventure racing can go ahead and sign up for a race. The point is, find a reason to do something or you may not be motivated to do it.“
The Science and Psychology of Motivation for Athletes

Teams of 2:
10x 2 min rounds (20 min total) 1 person works, 1 rests
Against a 2 min clock, complete 250m. Row then, AMRAP Heavy russian KB swings 53/70#
Immediately at the end of 2 min, partner 2 begins same work.