“Now, I kind of like “Go forth and be badass.” You get to figure out what that means. Sometimes it’s badass to be strong and sometimes it’s badass to be kind, or vulnerable, or funny enough to put a smile back on someone’s face. Only you can figure out your brand of badass. And hopefully you’ll also figure out that you can be badass without being an ass. But somehow I’m confident that, for most of you, being a badass will translate into good things for you and this world.”
Go Forth and Be Badass

A. 10 min. of Hang snatch skill work.
B. 10-12 min: Hang Snatch 5 rounds x 2 reps, increasing each round to a solid heavy double.
C1. Overhead Squat 5 rounds x 1 rep @ 70-75%.
C2. Between rounds of OHS, complete 5 rounds of 10 GHD/abmat sit-ups and 10 GHD hip ext/empty barbell good mornings.