““She just goes to this different place. She has something to prove. She decided to make a statement with the first part and she did.”….I’ve learned that you can’t place all your happiness on the Games. Obviously, it’s something we all aspire to do, it’s the ultimate goal, but there’s so much more to training.””
‘Whatever It Takes’
A. Clean & Jerk skill
B. EMOM x 10 min:
1 Cln. deadlift + 1 Cln. pull (low hang-below knee) + 1 Cln. (low hang-below knee) +
1 Split jerk
(increasing weight each min/2 min)
Extra Credit:
EMOM x 10:
odd: 10 GHD/abmat sit-ups.
even: 10 GHD hip ext/supermans.