Celebration of Food!
By hcfchallenge
I was very much inspired by Jen R.’s words at Saturday’s Nutrition Meeting. She said that the paleo lifestyle was a celebration of food! Paleo is unleashing you from feeling restrained all day every day for the rest of your life. No more weighing, measuring, or adding up food point values. You are free from food jail, and it’s time to celebrate the many opportunities for wellness!
Mobility: Hip/overhead prep
WOD: The trifecta
3 Rounds: 9 overhead squat (75,115), 9 Chest-bar pullup
1 min rest.
3 Rounds: 9 KB swing (44, 70), 9 box Jump (24, 30)
1 min rest.
3 Rounds: 9 Thruster (75, 115), 9 Burpee w/hand release
22 min. cap
Thanks, Jenna! YOU inspire me – thanks for all of your support!
Thanks, Jenna! YOU inspire me – thanks for all of your support!