10/29 Saturday
HCF halloween-costume WOD party + pumpkin paleo recipe contest
5pm, Hoosier CrossFit
Mobility: Super Couch + overhead prep
WOD: Part 1: Burg WU + Snatch Skill transfer: 3 pos. power snatch
Part 2: 5 Rounds: 3 x power snatch complex* (65,95#)
Bear crawl length of mats down (30′)
Crab walk length of mats back (30′)
*1 round of power snatch complex= 1 power snatch from floor+1 knee power snatch + 1 mid thigh power snatch
415 Competitors:
Part 1: Muscle up progressions. 2×5 band. 2×3 jumping (chest height). 2×3 jumping (head height). 2×1 Muscle-up.
Part 2: 3 position power snatch x 5. (incrementing weight to a max for the day)