“…we define a Paleo Diet as eating meat, nuts, veggies, seeds, some fruit, little starch, no sugar, and no dairy. While you are not judged on the following proportions, the Paleo recommended serving consists of 40% carbohydrate, 30% Protein, and 30% Fat. We also encourage Participants to balance their meals and snacks with a protein, good carbohydrate, and a healthy fat.”
See the complete rules here
The LuRong Paleo Challenge is a few days away, how are you getting prepared?

21- 15- 9 reps for time: (15 min. cap) goal is sub 10!
Deadlift (155,225) *scale to 55-60% of 1 rm.
Handstand pushup *box/wall- no more than 2 abmats