Correcting Issues With The Burgener Warm-up” with Coach Mike Burgener
10 min: Snatch pulling positions(PVC-light barbell) high hang, midthigh, below knee, floor (mid-shin) & back up working through the positions without pausing.(emphasize hip position with tight set back angle) + Burgener warmup #1,2,3,4,5: 1. Dip-Shrug (speed through the middle). 2. Scarecrow arms (bar path of the pull under). 3. muscle-snatch (aggressive turn over and finish position over head). 4. Snatch land (foot placement and speed). 5. Snatch Drop (foot placement, speed and full squat landing)
P1. Power clean progressions. pulling from floor, burgener warmup and receiving in 2”, 4”, 6” landing.
P2. Complete 2 Power Cleans & 10 Double Unders on the minute for 15 minutes.
*Go as heavy as possible on power cleans