September 2011


“In response to those who say to stop dreaming and face reality, I say keep dreaming and make reality.” – Kristian Kan MOD: Mix Mobility: open the ankles + calves WOD: Part 1: Burg. WU+ Snatch Skill transfer exercises: Down-up, elbows high-outside (scarecrow), Muscle snatch, OHS Snatch drops: 2”, 4”, 6”, full squat Snatch pushpress, […]

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REMINDER: This weeks upcoming Events: Fri. 9/23- 8pm, IU MAC: Night at the Opera: Cosi fan tutte (Come support Sam S. girlfriend Megan perform on this night!) Sat. 9/24- 10am, Hoosiers Outrun Cancer 5k– W. Concourse of IU Memorial Football Stadium Sun. 9/25- 4pm, Fountain Square Mall Ball Room: Health & Nutrition Seminar MOD: 90’s

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“The ladder of success is best climbed by stepping on the rungs of opportunity.” – Ayn Rand Commitment Vs. Intention -CrossFit LA How solid are your commitments? Do you keep them no matter what? And what if you miss a commitment… was it really a commitment to begin with, or just an intention? Have you

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On September 17, 2011, CrossFitters from around the world will come together to endure 17 minutes of one of our most grueling workouts in honor of those men and women who have given a lifetime of service and sacrifice. For 17 minutes, we will push ourselves further, challenge ourselves deeper, feel the doubt and wonder

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You ever feel like this about CrossFit? Like it fills some place inside you that you can’t even describe, let alone name. ..No other gym workout ever came close to filling that space. And now no gym could ever come close to the experiences at your CrossFit affiliate. -What you’ve been looking for (Lisbeth) MOD:

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The heart of an athlete can change the game. The soul of an athlete can change the world. Come support our 17 minutes!… 9/17 Saturday Fight Gone Bad Fundraiser REGISTER NOW & JOIN OUR TEAM! 3pm, Hoosier CrossFit Mobility: Pre: pain ball hamstring work + light wt. good mornings. post: band lengthening. WOD: Part 1:

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Let it go. All of it. Whatever you’ve been holding onto that is not useful or wonderful in your life: things, expectations, grudges, hurts, resentment. Just let it go… -CrossFit Lisbeth MOD: Kings of Leon Mobility: overhead shoulders WOD: 10-8-6-4-2 reps for time of: Strict hollow body pullups, shoulder-overhead:push/split jerk (100% of shoulderpress) Details at

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We recognize a need for inspiration and encouragement in our everyday lives. We are here to encourage YOU to Follow Your Dreams! Enjoy! MOD: Mix Mobility: Food for thought- the sleep position + todays awesomeness WOD: Part 1: 10 min. working on Better positioning for better rowing. Part 2: 21-15-9 reps for time: Sumo-deadlift highpull,

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Remember, the key to all of life is the striving, the chase, the pursuit of better, faster, stronger — in body or mind matters. Or even matters of the heart. Striving is key. Pursuit is key. There will come a day -Lisbeth MOD: Mix Mobility: Pain ball-1st rib. WOD: Part 1: Shoulder Press. 5@65%. 5@75%.

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$25 Per Class

OUR Information:


340 S Walker Street Bloomington, Indiana 47403


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