Confessions of a CHERRY PICKER! WOD: AMRAP 25 min. 600m. Run, 2 min rest. Keep consistent pace across all efforts.
Confessions of a CHERRY PICKER! WOD: AMRAP 25 min. 600m. Run, 2 min rest. Keep consistent pace across all efforts.
Skill: Parallete skill work: pushups- shoot through- dips- L-sit/tuck L-sit. – WOD: P1. Back Squat. warmup with 3 reps at 40-50%, 50-60%, 60-70%. working loads- 5@ 75%, 3 @ 85%, 1+ @ 95%. P2. 10-8-6-4-2 reps for time: Parallete shoot throughs (1= pushup- shoot through to dip-shoot back), KB swing (35/53#)
CF Games Regional competition coverage. Check it out this weekend! WOD: ‘Adrian’ 7 rounds: 3 forward rolls, 5 wall climb ,7 toes-bar, 9 box jump (24,30”)
Welcome to our newest group of Graduating On-Rampers! Our next On-Ramp course begins Monday June 3 @ 6:45pm! Skill: Parallete skill work: pushups- shoot through- dips- L-sit/tuck L-sit. – WOD: P1. Deadlift warmup with 3 reps @ 30-40%, 40-50%, 50-60%. Working loads- 5@ 65%, 5@ 75%, 5+ @ 85%.
BIG thanks to all of guests for the 3rd Annual Mighty Murph! Everyone worked hard to commemorate a fallen solider, Lt. Murphy (read more here), and help to raise money for the Heroes Campaign for the American Red Cross. Thank you to all of the volunteers and supporters who worked all day inbetween workouts and
MURPH is TOMORROW! Go HERE for a tentative schedule for participants. We also need volunteers for judges so let us know if you can help out for our 3rd consecutive year raising money for the American Red Cross! Skill: Review turkish getups. – WOD: AMRAP 10 min: 6 Turkish getups- 53/70# (alternating arms, 3 per
Weekend Forecast! Skill: Turkish Getups. – WOD: P1. Shoulder press. warmup with 3x: Barbell, 40-50%, 50-60%, then begin working loads: 3x 70%, 3x 80%, 3+ 90%.
‘I just felt like runnang’ Things are changing in the Endurance world. Read more HERE! WOD: AMRAP 22min. 400m. Run, 2 min. Rest. Score is how many 400m. runs you accomplish in 22 min. clock.
Coaches Corner- Coach Heather “But I dont like Vegetables!” Skill: Intro to Turkish getups. WOD: P1. Back Squat. warmup with 3x: Barbell, 40-50%, 50-60%, then begin working loads: 3x 70%, 3x 80%, 3+ 90%. P2. 25 double unders/50 SU 10-8-6-4-2: GHD/abmat situp, overhead walking lunges x2 (25,45#) 25 double-unders/50 SU
Murph is this coming Saturday! Participate/Donate towards a good cause! MORE INFO WOD: ‘Jackie-ish’ 3 rounds for time: 500m. Row, 25 thrusters (30/45#), 15 pull-ups