Tuesday 1/16
CrossFit: Open 13.2 AMRAP 10 Min: 5 shoulder-overhead 10 deadlifts 15 box jump/step QuickFit: 5 rounds (10 min) :30 ball slams, :30 rest :30 reverse lunges with medball, :30 rest
CrossFit: Open 13.2 AMRAP 10 Min: 5 shoulder-overhead 10 deadlifts 15 box jump/step QuickFit: 5 rounds (10 min) :30 ball slams, :30 rest :30 reverse lunges with medball, :30 rest
Open Registration is Live! https://games.crossfit.com/video/open-registration-live/open CrossFit: 4, 3-minute rounds for max reps at each station: (16 min total) From 0-1 min: Pull-ups From 1-2 min: Alt. DB Snatch From 2-3 min: Double Unders From 3-4min: Rest QuickFit: Alt tabata 20′ on x 10′ off x 8 (8 min total) Assault Bike Cals Burpees
Saturday: 8am-11am: Open Gym/Performance Training 11am-Noon: Free Members Team Workout Sunday: Rest Day! Visit us at the Bloomington Convention Center for the Bridal Show!
Saturday 1/13 and Sunday 1/14 Read More »
CrossFit: ‘16.2’ Beginning on a 4-minute clock, complete as many reps as possible of: 25 toes to bar 50 double unders 15 squat cleans 135/85# If completed before 4 minutes, add 4 minutes to the clock and proceed to: 25 toes to bar 50 double unders 13 squat cleans 185/115# If completed before 8 minutes,
CrossFit: Teams of 2 will complete 5 rounds each (10 rounds total) 5 lateral box jumps or step-overs 10 alt. DB snatch 15 ab mat situps QuickFit: 5 rounds: 10 medball deadlifts 8 medball squats 6 medball slams
CrossFit: ‘15.3’ AMRAP 14 Minutes of: 7 ring muscle-up 50 wall-ball shots 100 double unders Longevity: AMRAP 14 min: 7 ring rows 21 air squats 42 SU jump rope QuickFit: 4 rounds: 10 assault bike cals arms and legs 10 assault bike cals arms only 10 assault bike cals legs only
CrossFit: 1. Power clean skill work 2. E1:30x12min (8 sets) 1 power clean from floor + 1 power clean from above the knee QuickFit: Level 3: Row 5k Level 2: Row 4k Level 1: Row 3k
CrossFit: 15.5 version 2.0 27-21-15-9 reps for time of: Row Calories DB Thrusters QuickFit: Two sets for max reps each, running against a 4-minute clock 30/20 cal bike 15 air squats Max reps burpees *rest 4 minutes between sets
Saturday: 8am-11am Open Gym 11am – Free Bring a Friend Workout! Sunday: Rest Day!
Saturday 1/6 and Sunday 1/7 Read More »
CrossFit: 2 person teams, 1 works at a time AMRAP 12 min: 10 cal bike 15 push-ups 20 single-leg squats, alternating Longevity: AMRAP 10 Min: 5 cal bike 10 push-ups 15 squats QuickFit: For time: 40 Wall ball shots 20 KB swings 30 Wall ball shots 15 KB swings 20 Wall ball shots 10