Tuesday 11/28
ALL CLASSES: Memorial Workout: “Artie Stevens” Teams of 2: -Wall balls -Toes to bar -Box jumps -Push press -Row for calories -Rest one minute
ALL CLASSES: Memorial Workout: “Artie Stevens” Teams of 2: -Wall balls -Toes to bar -Box jumps -Push press -Row for calories -Rest one minute
ALL CLASSES: “Post-Turkey Purge” In teams of two, with only one teammate working at any time, complete 3 rounds of: 3 minutes of assault bike rest 1 minute 3 minutes of burpees rest 1 minute 3 minutes of jumping lunges rest 1 minute
At home workout: EMOM x 10 min: Burpees! Level 3: 10 burpees Level 2: 8 burpees Level 1: 5 burpees Reminder: Saturday open gym ONLY 10am-Noon!
Friday 11/24: GYM CLOSED Read More »
Happy Thanksgiving!! Bloomington Bagel Co. FREE 5k! https://bbcbagel.com/web/wp-content/uploads/2015/09/Turkey-Trots-Poster-2017.jpg
Thursday 11/23: GYM CLOSED Read More »
ALL CLASSES: Teams of 2: AMRAP 15 min: Alternating movements 10 calorie row 10 situps 10 lunges Reminder: Tomorrow is a FREE 5k run/walk! https://bbcbagel.com/web/wp-content/uploads/2015/09/Turkey-Trots-Poster-2017.jpg
ALL CLASSES: 3 person Teams: Alternating full minutes to complete max reps at each station, 3 rounds, 18 min total: Min 1: P1 max cals bike Min 2: P2 max cals bike Min 3: P3 max cals bike Min 4: P1 max DB thrusters Min 5: P2 max DB thrusters Min 6: P3 max DB
ALL CLASSES: 2 person teams EMOM x 20 min: L3: 10 Burpees, 20 Russian Swings L2: 8 Burpees, 16 Russian Swings L1: 6 Burpees, 12 Russian Swings
Hoosier CrossFit ‘Jerry’ for time: Run 1 mile (1600m) Row 2k Run 1 mile (1600m) QuickFit Four rounds for time: 200m Run 7 Dumbbell Man-Makers (push-up, row left, row right, power clean, push press)
Hoosier CrossFit For Quality 4 sets of: Back squat x 6-8 reps @ under 60% rest 45 seconds Single Arm Dumbbell Row x 8-10 reps rest 45 seconds Plank for Elbows x 45 seconds rest 45 seconds QuickFit In teams of 2, partners alternate as needed to complete AMRAP 12 Min: Row 250 meters 25