Had to post this one again:
We got a fever. And the only prescription is . . . more CrossFit.
What we can’t shut up about– CrossFit Lisbeth
Mobility: Hip Opener and Shoulder work
WOD: 10-9-8-7-6-5-4-3-2-1: Power Clean (95,135)
1-2-3-4-5-6-7-8-9-10: Clapping pushup
clapping push up…… are you KIDDING ME?!
clapping push up…… are you KIDDING ME?!
Nancy! You are banned from looking at the workout until 3-2-1- GO! 😛
Nancy! You are banned from looking at the workout until 3-2-1- GO! 😛
Nancy – you can do it!!! If I can do it (which I did this morning) you can do it! 🙂 What an awesome workout today!
Nancy – you can do it!!! If I can do it (which I did this morning) you can do it! 🙂 What an awesome workout today!
YOU GOT THIS NANCY!!! go hard 🙂
YOU GOT THIS NANCY!!! go hard 🙂
Just saw the rest of these comments! You are all correct, I did it! Surprised that I could do so many clap push ups (modified, of course) – still…!
AND, also did my first series of pretty good kipping pull ups with blue band (NO more jumping off boxes!). Had a good workout.
Thanks, all, for your support! 🙂
Just saw the rest of these comments! You are all correct, I did it! Surprised that I could do so many clap push ups (modified, of course) – still…!
AND, also did my first series of pretty good kipping pull ups with blue band (NO more jumping off boxes!). Had a good workout.
Thanks, all, for your support! 🙂