REMINDER: Warrior Dash carpool will be leaving at 1230. First events for our peeps begins at 3pm.
Team WOD:Each team member completes for time:
20 Shoulder to overhead (135/95lbs)
20 Box jump (24″/20″)
50 foot Kage traverse (monkey hang)
50 Double-unders
Row 500 meters
Row 500 meters
50 Double-unders
50 foot Kage traverse (monkey hang)
20 Box jump (24″/20″)
20 Shoulder to overhead (135/95lbs)
All 4 members will work their way through the exercises at the same time, but must start one at a time and may not move on to the next excercise untill the member ahead of them has finished it. The entire team must complete moving through the first series of excercises before the first member can begin working through the second series.