We are embarking on a new week of Paleo eating, and I wanted to give you a heads up on some things that can be eaten in moderation and are permissible in your Paleo future. It’s not as bad as you thought!
Paleo Challenge
Mobility: DO IT! EVERYDAY!
WOD: Teams of 3 complete the following:
Row 3,000 meters
300 Double-unders (1200 singles)
300 medball Situp-wall shots (14,20)
30 Rope Climbs (15′)
All three athletes can work at the same time, and you can get the work done anyhow in any order.
For time:
1000 meters row
100 medball sit up (20 lb. ball w/ 6 ft. target)
100 DU
50 strict pull ups
Pull ups took a long time!
For time:
1000 meters row
100 medball sit up (20 lb. ball w/ 6 ft. target)
100 DU
50 strict pull ups
Pull ups took a long time!