Today is the final day to get signed up for the Mighty Murph Challenge if you want a T-shirt with your donation! Registration will still be open through the day of the event, but a T-shirt will not be available. GET SIGNED UP!
Mobility: Every human should be able to perform basic maintenance on themselves, so pick the tight spots and DO IT!
WOD: Part 1: Make up/Skill
If you missed a strength component from this week, Mon-Wed. Make this your first priority! Back Squat 5×3. Shoulder Press 5×5. Deadlift 5×5.
Then hit some skill work= body weight gymnastics movements.
Part 2: If you missed the Benchmark ‘Grace’, make her up and hit her hard!
otherwise get at a Goat, AMRAP 15min of 2-3 weaknesses.
4:15pm Specialty WOD:
Join us for day 2 of our new Specialty WOD series! Tues/Thurs @ 4:15pm. Want to get better at olympic lifting or increase your Endurance capacity? Come in at 4:15 and get it done!
Endurance: Run or Row:
1600m./ 2000m.
Rest as long as it takes you to run/row each piece.