“A mind that is stretched by a new experience can never go back to its old dimensions.”
– Oliver Wendell Holmes, Jr.
REMINDER: “CrossFit Portrait Session” with Ryan Burton this Saturday, from Noon to 3:00. PLEASE use the sign-up form in the gym to reserve your time!
MOD: John Williams
Mobility: Go Open Your Hips
WOD: Part 1: Back Squat 5@75%, 5@80%, 5+@85%
Part 2: TT: 1 mile run
Sub 2000m. row if needed
415 Specialty:
Warm-up series – 2 snatch long pull + 2 snatch push press + 2 overhead squats – 2 sets
Power snatch + overhead squat + snatch (2 sec pause in bottom of each) – 3 sets
Push press + jerk behind neck + jerk (5 sec hold in split position) – 3 sets
Run: 2-6 x 200m, rest 1:00, hold within 2-3 seconds, then 2-6 x 400m, rest 1:30, hold within 3-5 seconds
C2 Row: 2-6 x 250m, rest 1:00, hold within 2-3 seconds, then 2-6 x 500m, rest 1:30, hold within 3-5 seconds