
It’s either worth your time, or it’s not.
It’s either something you want so bad that you can tasteit … or it’s something you can live without.
What’s In Your First Pile?
ESSAYS | by 

 Skill: Double-unders P.1-3.

WOD: P1. Power clean progression. Burg Warmup (dip shrug, scarecrow, muscle clean) high hang power clean (2”, 4”, 6”) add on small plates and work full power cleans pulling from floor for 3 reps. Then warmup to working loads for WOD.
P2. Every minute on the minute for 10 min:
3 weighted or least assistance strict pull-ups, 3 power cleans @ 75% of 1 rm. (score what weight or band you used for each round on pull-ups)

CWOD: Endurance
Pick your weakness:
Run (THU): 2-6 x 200m, rest 1:00, hold within 2-3 seconds, then 2-6 x 400m, rest 1:30, hold within 3-5 seconds
Row (THU): 2-6 x 250m, rest 1:00, hold within 2-3 seconds, then 2-6 x 500m, rest 1:30, hold within 3-5 seconds

