Second Lives
If we’re smart, or lucky, or unlucky, or dumb, or just in the right place at the right time, we all have a chance at a second life. No, not that zombie stuff or resurrection, but a life you live after you try something else. Your second life isn’t necessarily better or worse than your first life — you might like both just fine — but, usually, it’s more you.
Skill: Handstand skill work (8-12 min.)
WOD: P1a. Behind neck (rack) Split Jerk skill work.
P1b. 1 split jerk behind neck (clean grip) x 8. Increasing load each round to a moderately heavy working set, GOOD movement! (10-15 min.)
Post 3 heaviest GOOD lifts to white board.
P2. 50 GHD situps- quality, or 75 straight leg abmat sit-ups. NOT for time, to be done on your own once you finish SJ.