“Ron Gutman: The hidden power of smiling“, TED Talks.
Mobility: Hips and Front rack goodness
WOD: Part 1: 5×3 Thruster
incrementing up each rnd. 5 total, to a solid heavy set of 3.
Part 2: From CFE:
5 Rounds
5 Clean to Thruster (65,95#)
15 Push ups w/release
10m Broad Jumps
10m walking lunge”back”
4:15pm Specialty:
Oly-lifting: More snatch progressions+ clean pulls, muscle cleans
Endurance:Choose ONE of the Following Sports:
Swim, Bike, Run, C2
3×7 min intervals w/3min recovery between rounds.Keep each interval as consistent as possible holding the highest pace you can on each of the 7 min rounds.
“Teaching People How To Run” with Dr. Nicolas Romanov – video [wmv] [mov]
Awesome workout!!! Way to go 5:15ers!!! Welcome back Des! You did pretty darn good for being gone a month!