A) “Tabata” Strict Pull-ups and Strict Dips
5x :30 sec work/:30 sec rest
B) “Tabata” Side Plank Rotations
8 x :20 sec work/:10 sec rest
12 min AMRAP:
1 V-up, 1 goblet squat
2 v-ups, 2 goblet squat
3 v-ups, 3 goblet squat

A) “Tabata” Strict Pull-ups and Strict Dips
5x :30 sec work/:30 sec rest
B) “Tabata” Side Plank Rotations
8 x :20 sec work/:10 sec rest
12 min AMRAP:
1 V-up, 1 goblet squat
2 v-ups, 2 goblet squat
3 v-ups, 3 goblet squat