April 2014


WOD: CrossFit Total Begin warmup with empty bar first then begin with 35-45%x5, 45-55%x3, 55-65%x2, then 65-75%x1, 75-85%x1, 85-95%x1, 95-new 1 rm. 1. Back Squat (10-15 min max) 2. Shoulder press (10 min max) 3. Deadlift (10-15 min max) Here are some basic precautions that need to be followed for safety: 1) Don’t be stupid. […]

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WOD: A.Three sets of: Back Squat x (1. 5@40%. 2. 5@50%. 3. 5@60%) Rest 60 seconds Body Rows x 10-12 reps Rest 60 seconds Double-Under Practice x 60 seconds Rest 60 seconds B.Two sets for times of: 400m. run/ 500 Meter Row *pick your weakness Wall Ball Shots x 25 reps (14,20-10′) pull-ups x 15

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WOD: A. 3 sets of: 60 sec forearm plank hold Rest 45 seconds Deadlift x (1. 5@40%, 2. 5@50%. 3. 5@60%) Rest 45 seconds Dumbbell Alternating Reverse Lunges x 10 reps each leg Rest 45 seconds B. 10 min total Five sets against a 60 second running clock of: Russian Kettlebell Swings x 10 reps

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“Don’t aim for success if you want it; just do what you love and believe in, and it will come naturally.” David Frost WOD: A. 3 sets of: Strict Shoulder Press x (1. 5@40%. 2. 5@50%. 3. 5@60%) Rest 45 seconds Kettlebell Swings x 20 reps Rest 45 seconds Partner leg tosses x 15-20 Rest

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“Can you acknowledge that you, and you alone, are in the driver’s seat? Can you silence that inner voice and genuinely believe that each “failure” presents a new opportunity to dig in and overcome that obstacle? When you get kicked to the ground, do you get up because you have to or because you are

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