“We have to start teaching ourselves not to be afraid.” –William Faulkner
Mobility: Stronger than Diane? Goddess of Squat?, Thoracic work
WOD: Part 1: Split Jerk 2-2-2-2-2-1
Part 2: AMRAP in 12min
5 Sumo Deadlift highpull (65,95lb)
7 Box Jump (20,24″)
Special thanks to our visitors from Cali: Matt and Amie!
Part 1: 135, 165, 175, 185 (for 2), 195 (max)
I think I can max a higher push press but I was working on my balance.
Part 2: as Rx 10 rounds + 3 SDLHP
Part 1: 135, 165, 175, 185 (for 2), 195 (max)
I think I can max a higher push press but I was working on my balance.
Part 2: as Rx 10 rounds + 3 SDLHP
Shaun: Part 1: (2)135-165-185-200-210-(1)225F-215max
Part 2: 17+5 SDHP Rx. Def. a gaser with the box jumps.
Shaun: Part 1: (2)135-165-185-200-210-(1)225F-215max
Part 2: 17+5 SDHP Rx. Def. a gaser with the box jumps.
part 1:135-185-200-225-245-(1)275f-255
part 1:135-185-200-225-245-(1)275f-255