12 Days of Christmas
1 Handstand Pushup
2 strict pullups
3 Box jumps (24″, 30″)
4 pistols (2/leg)
5 Burpees ( partners complete together)
6 Toes to Barr
7 Partner Medball Squat Throw (24#, 30#) (7 throws each, 14 throws in all)
8 Kettlebell Pushpress (35#, 53#)
9 overhead walking lunges (25#, 45#)
10 Kettlebell Swings (35#, 53#)
11 double Unders
12 Wall Climbs
Partners share work. Do round 1, then 2-1, then 3-2-1, and so on. Reps are total reps between partners, not each person.
Wish I was there!
Wish I was there!