A little over a year ago, Maura Brown entered Jason Khalipa’s affiliate, CrossFit Santa Clara, weighing 260 lb. She couldn’t do a single air squat, or hang from the pull-up bar. Since then, Maura has lost over 100 lb. and completely transformed herself.
From Losing 124 Pounds to the Open
Mobility: Shoulder Stability, Hammer Your High Hammy
WOD: 4 Rounds:
400m. Run
12 Sumo-deadlift highpull (65,95#)
12 Burpee
Ahhhh…not my day to work out. Boo hoo! 🙂
Ahhhh…not my day to work out. Boo hoo! 🙂
Congrats to Trainer Jenna for getting her FIRST MUSCLE UP!!!!!!! Work it Girl!
Congrats to Trainer Jenna for getting her FIRST MUSCLE UP!!!!!!! Work it Girl!