“The great pleasure in life is doing what people say you cannot do.” – Walter Bagehot WOD: ‘Diane’ 21-15-9: Deadlift (135,225#), Handstand Pushups
“The great pleasure in life is doing what people say you cannot do.” – Walter Bagehot WOD: ‘Diane’ 21-15-9: Deadlift (135,225#), Handstand Pushups
“I Want You To Want It” from CrossFit Hustle (KY). WOD: Part 1: 10 min to work up to 1rm Split Jerk. Part 2: 4 Rounds: 10/20m. Shuttle run 10 KB taters 415 Competitor: P1. 4 x Power clean + Front Squat + Clean P2. AMRAP 6min: Cleans (105,155#) Everytime you drop the bar do
We work: we don’t just workout. We are building better bodies, better gyms, better minds, and better communities. We are building a better world. –CrossFit Declaration of Independence. Mobility: Row Prep: hammer the hammies. WOD: 4-6x 500m. Row (90-95% effort, no more than 3-5 sec. diff. in each split, rest when partner rows.) Concentrate on
Excellence can be obtained if you: more than others think is wise. ..risk more than others think is safe. ..dream more than others think is practical. ..expect more than others think is possible. WOD: Part 1: Weighted strict Pullup. 5×3 If not using weight. 4×5 (use maximal weight/least assistance.) Part 2: 3 Rounds: for
You might think you can’t. You’re tired, you have a lot of responsibilities; life — and everyone you know — needs so much from you. But, oh, you have wells within you that you have not even begun to tap.. Read more.. Superheroes –CrossFit Lisbeth Mobility: Lacrosse ball/foam roll your sticky spots 3min: Upper back,
“Why Inspiration Matters” from the Harvard Business Review. 10a Oly-Lifting Warm-up series – 2 snatch long pull + 2 snatch push press + 2 overhead squats – 2 sets Power snatch + overhead squat + snatch (2 sec pause in bottom of each) – 3 sets Push press + jerk behind neck + jerk (5
Veterans Day WOD: ‘Danny’ AMRAP 20 min. 30 Box jump (20,24”) 20 pushpress (85,115#) 30 pullups Oakland SWAT Sergeant Daniel Sakai, age 35, was killed on March 21, 2009 in the line of duty along with fellow officers Sergeant Ervin Romans, Sergeant Mark Dunakin, and Officer John Hege. Daniel is survived by wife Jenni and
Reminder: Thurs., November 10 @ 7:15pm On Ramp begins – Tuesdays and Thursdays at 7:15pm, Saturday at 10am. WOD: Part 1: pick 1 movement that you are weakest at. Back squat, Shoulder press, Deadlift. Perform that movement: 5@65%. 5@75%. 5@85%. Part 2: 1. Tabata hollow body hold. 1 min. rest 2. Tabata KB swing (35,53#)
Your hesitancy is unproductive; a watering ground for fear and doubt saplings to grow their roots. You only think you need this time to think. Your heart and body would rather be in motion. They were built to be used. But, whatever your decision in this life, make it. Act. You’ve most likely spent far
“The miracle isn’t that I finished. The miracle is that I had the courage to start.” -John Bingham WOD: 5k Run. Out & back headed south on the B-line trail. I Just felt like running + New On-Ramp graduates!