
Firebreather: (noun) 1. One who faces the triumphs and tribulations of great physical opposition with an indomitable spirit. 2. An optimistic energy associated with the heart of an athlete. Special thanks to Greg Amundson for letting us use the CrossFit Firebreather definition for our new affiliate T’s! Coming late December. Mobility: Accumulate a total of […]

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The Value of Mental Rehearsal in Strength Training Bill Starr explains how you can use your mind to get the most out of your body in the gym or in any athletic endeavor. Mobility:Deadlift Prep WOD: Part 1: every minute on the minute for 10 min. complete 2 deadlifts (heavy) Part 2: 5 rounds 15

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The Ranger Creed We had a full day of training with a few different groups. Thanks to the Long Range Surveillance Ranger/Airborne Co. 2-152 for making it in for a good WOD. Team WOD: (11am) Teams of 2: 1 person moves through all 3 movements before teammate moves. AMRAP in 18min: 5 Deadlift (heavy) 7

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“The only place where success comes before work is in the dictionary.” Mobility: Solving Front Rack Problems, The Lower Body Basic List WOD: Part 1: 5×3 Clean (incrementing weight each round) Part 2: AMRAP in 15min 10 medball clean-wallball combo* (14,20) 25 double-under (sub 75 singles) (*perform a medball clean, in receiving position explode up

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Venn diagrams show relationships between sets of ideas, and Tyler Hass thinks they help explain CrossFit’s success. Diagramming Fitness Mobility:Pick out your tight spots and spend 3-5min on upper and lower body maint! WOD: Part 1: 5×3 Snatch Pull Part 2: 3×3 Snatch Balance Part 3: Tabata KB swing, rest 1 min, Tabata pushup, rest

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Fitness is Doubt: from CrossFit New England (must read!) It’s a burden you know too well. That point halfway through a workout when the voice inside your head starts pounding against your eardrums, telling you you’re too tired, too sick, or too weak to go on. Or out in the world when you convince yourself

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“Courage takes many forms. There is physical courage, there is moral courage. Then there is a still higher type of courage – the courage to brave pain, to live with it, to never let others know of it and to still find joy in life; to wake up in the morning with an enthusiasm for

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“People often say that motivation doesn’t last. Well, neither does bathing – that’s why we recommend it daily.” – Zig Ziglar Mobility: Hip Impingement 2: Band Variation, Overhead Squat/Snatch Prep WOD: Part 1: Back Squat 10-8-6-4-2 (incrementing weight each round) Part 2: 2 Rounds 500 meter row 12 power cleans (115,80) 21 pushups w/release

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A workout is a great time for learning about yourself and your movements. Justin Keane outlines one way to make the most of your time under the microscope. Read The Crucible Mobility: Piece together 8-10min of working on your tight spots! https://mobilitywod.blogspot.com/ WOD: 2 person teams, 1 person moving at a time: 100 double-unders 100

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Fitness Is … Character and Failure Mobility: Hips and Thoracic Prep WOD: Every minute on the minute complete 5 burpees, with remaining time complete as many thrusters as possible. (65,95) Goal: reach 100 thrusters. (25min cut off)

Friday Read More »


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