
CrossFit helps you to be of more use to this world. Sure, CrossFit is squats and burpees and pull-ups and a million other things, but it’s functional, and you’re stronger, and you are part of something bigger than yourself: a worldwide community with similar goals, working towards a common purpose — fitness. Mobility: Overhead Squat/Snatch […]

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“What great thing would you attempt if you knew you could not fail?” ~Robert H. Schuller There are NO failures in CrossFit. The only thing stopping you from accomplishing ANYTHING in life is that “thing” between your ears. Mobility: Ring Ready Shoulders WOD: The Ensign Complete as many rounds as possible in 3 minutes: 3

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New Hours begin Today! Make sure to sign up through your MindBody account! Strength –noun 1.the quality or state of being strong; bodily or muscular power; vigor. 2.mental power, force, or vigor. 3.moral power, firmness, or courage. Mobility: Torque is King, Three Way Hip Mobs, Two minutes Foam Roller/keg drill with barbell if possible WOD:

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“The achievements of an organization are the results of the combined effort of each individual” -Vince Lombardi ‘Superbowl Sunday’ Since this is the greatest day of Football, I thought I would spread some more light on how some NFL players train to be the best they can be in a professional sport. Could it possibly

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Todays Happenings: 11am: Hoosier CrossFit member team WOD 1pm: CrossFit Kids & Teens WOD 2pm: FREE group introduction and workout Mobility: DO IT, TO IT! WOD: 3 Person Teams 1 person rows 1000 meters, other 2 team members AMRAP 5 power clean & jerks*(95,135lb.) per person 1 minute rest rotate each team member through 1000m.

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“Build, therefore, your own world. As fast as you conform your life to the pure idea in your mind, that will unfold its great proportions.” – Ralph Waldo Emerson Build your world– CrossFit Lisbeth Mobility: 5 min of the tight spots WOD: Part 1: Skill work; Handstands, Double-unders, Muscle-up/kipping pullup progressions (Set some PRs today!:

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A handful of excuses can be made about why things need to be convenient for you and why you can’t do this or can’t do that.  At the end of the day it’s about taking control of your life, prioritizing your responsibilities, and managing your time appropriately. Food on the Go: Paleo 6 Week Challenge

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NOTE: 6am On-Ramp has been canceled and rescheduled for 7:15pm tonight. If you have questions call or email: Do Nothing For 2 Minutes. Mobility: Sleep, Pillows, and What Your Low Back Says About Your KB Swing WOD: AMRAP in 12min: 9 Box Jumps (20,24″) 9 KB swing (35,53lb.)

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Take the blow. For every action in life — and in the gym — there is a reaction. And those reactions are not always what we want them to be. – CrossFit Lisbeth Mobility: Upper & Lower body basic list WOD: ‘Barbara‘ 5 Rounds: 20 pullup, 30 pushup, 40 situp, 50 squat (Rest 3 min

Tuesday Read More »


Stop the madness.You cannot eat perfectly, work out perfectly, live perfectly. Perfection is Not Reality – CrossFit Lisbeth Mobility: WOD: Part 1: Shoulder Press 3-3-3, Push-press 2-2-2, Split Jerk 1-1-1 (increasing weight each set, rest 1min between sets.) Part 2: Tabata toes-bar Compare to 1/3/2011

Monday Read More »


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$25 Per Class

OUR Information:


340 S Walker Street Bloomington, Indiana 47403


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